Little is known about the futuristic duo of Bo and Sabe. What is known is that they are on a mission; a mission that is not afforded the option to fail. It is believed that they have been created and sent from the future by the CyBorganism, Ibex. The unbelievable aspect of this is that they have been sent to aid STarmorfish in defeating our heroes in their united effort to stop the evil sea star from gaining control of the world.
Why would one of today’s greatest advocates for all that is good want to see to it that STarmorfish succeed in his war against our world? What has happened between now and our future that would prompt such a heinous action? Has Ibex joined forces with STarmorfish; or has he always been with STarmorfish since the beginning merely posing as a hero for justice?
Whatever the answers, there are significant reasons for their appearance in the present time. Fail or succeed, Bo and Sabe will be paramount in shaping our near future; and their distant past.